Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things That I Have Learned in My First 153 Miles:

Hmmm, as many of you can read below, I have decided to take up cycling both to prepare myself for the upcoming MS-150 in April and for an additional exercise outlet. You see your faithful XO has to keep up his running and his swimming for his job but the old knees are not going to last forever.

So since I have started cycling again on 1/11 (I last did serious cycling in the mid to late 80's) I have logged in about seven rides around our residence south of Austin. My longest ride has been 40 miles with my average ride about 22+ miles. My 20+ route takes me south into San Marcos and probably has the nicest roads and scenery. I am currently scouting out additional miles onto this route since I want to get up to average rides of 40-50 miles and long rides of 70 miles. I think I have a route going west out of San Marcos but I want to explore it in a 4-wheeled vehicle before I set out.

Some things I have learned-

Dead road-kill skunks are much worse when you are cycling along at 15+ mph as opposed to driving by at 60 mph.

I HATE CHIP-SEAL ASPHALT ROADS, may the creator of these "cheap" rural surfaces have dead skunks outside their driveway each night (no offense to the poor skunks).

I love my cycling computer and I must have been crazy back in the 80's not to invest in one of these beautiful tools.

I love my bike.

I do not like railroad crossings, had my first "pinch flat" (thanks for the terminology Howard) crossing over one of these. This happened even after I made sure at the start of my ride to have my tires inflated to 100+ psi.

I love the CO2 cartridge inflator. Again something I did not have in the 80's. Made quick work of my tire repair.

Cycling with others is nice, I just kinda avoid it right now since I am a bit of a newb. While I am by no means out-of-shape, I do not wish to embarass myself at this early juncture of my riding career. My ego can be frail when cycling...

I did cycle along with my first cyclist today while heading south to San Marcos. Nice kid from Texas State out for a ride. We pulled for each other for about 5-6 miles and chatted about his schooling and cycling. I hope that is evidence of more "fun" group cycling to come. It is tough though since I usually ride in the daytimes each week when others are in work. Who knows maybe I will try and join one of the local cycling clubs after I feel that I can hold my own for a decent distance.

I love Texas weather (except the winds) and am very happy that I do not need to own a "ice-bike" like my bro-in-law Howard.

I love the CO for being patient with my new hobby while I am out on my bicycle, without her it would not be possible with 3 little ratings.

Well... more tidbits to follow soon.



Howard said...

Wow, there's a lot of "love" in that post of yours, XO. No surprises here, I must say. Cycling changed my life for the better in every way.

This cycling evangelist is glad for you, and can't wait to go riding with you in April. Like I said, we'll be riding for fun, and at whatever pace you're comfortable with. These huge group rides with aid stations spaced about 10-12 miles apart are a blast, but only if you're not in a hurry because the crowds can be aggravating otherwise.

Read, experience, and learn everything you can about technique, safety, nutrition, and training. Keep up the lovin' and cycling will love you back ten-fold, I promise!

Anonymous said...

You go, dude !!! You're a better man than I am (cycling-wise, at least. A month into it and I've logged 4 miles).

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, at least you've taken that first step. Now if you can get the little kiddies a bike trailer perhaps, you'll be rocking and rolling (and building up muscles pulling them). But remember also that the XO's job is less sedentary than yours right now....I'm so excited for you, XO. I have a feeling i'm going to have to ask you to wait for me on that ride in April.

Company XO said...

Perish the thought "C", I truly fear dragging down you "high altitude" types when you get here in the low-lands hence my rabid pace. Once I see that I am able to keep up then I shall not feel like a third wheel.

Company XO said...

Don't sweat it Anonymous I have a couple of distinct advantages; nice weather and a job that "potentially" gives me 3-4 riding days.
Have faith...