Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Yes!"- This Is a Fun Outfit to Be In:


Even the most junior member of the Irregular Regulars can now smile without it having to be a body function.

No matter what your "Hurricane Toddler" sister (ENJ) dishes out- you still have a smile on your face and a spring in your wiggle.

Hope you enjoy it as much as we do...


The Lower Rates:

Loved Ones and Bloggers,

Now for your viewing pleasure we present the best photograph yet of all of our younger Company members.

Yes- If you did not guess it yet- the whole group believes in pinstripes and interlocking NY's.

A formal copy of this picture will be going out to the primary folk and please feel free to request one if you don't get one in the next two weeks or so.

Hopefully this fall we will have a full muster of the entire Company including the Command/Headquarter section.

Take care and God Bless.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

She makes me laugh!

AJ has been making me laugh the last few days so I thought I would share some of her recent "funnies".
She calls gymnastics "flipping-nastics" and if something is going to last a long time she says it "will take all day-night".

Mom - "AJ what do you want for breakfast?"
AJ - "Dirty pebbles please."
Mom - "Uhhhh...."
AJ - "You know momma! Those brown cereal things!"
Mom - "Oh! You mean Cocoa Pebbles!"

AJ - "Hi there Zachary Skyscraper!"
Mom - "His name is Skyscraper?"
AJ - "Yep! And you're Momma Pasta Noodle!"
CJ - "AJ, you're nuts!"
AJ - "Momma! He called me peanuts! I'm not peanuts!"

Mom (after AJ tearfully showed us her 1/32 inch scratch, and spent 15 minutes trying to convince everyone she was too injured to do her chores) - "AJ, you are such a drama queen."
AJ (crying hysterically) - "Momma, I'm not a drama queen. I don't know what that means, but you're not being nice!"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Daddy's Kiddos

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"The Babies"

EJ's expression in this picture is sheer excitement. She's probably thinking something along the lines of "Wow! They finally left him where I can reach him! Now I can play with him, and kiss him, and give him my paci, and pat him on the head, and poke his nose, and kiss him some more!" (All of which she proceeded to try to do per her daddy's report).

I've started verbally dividing the children up into "the kids" and "the babies" (e.g. "Daddy, you pick up the kids, I'll get the babies"). I'm going to have to stop myself soon or EJ and ZJ will be 10 and 11 and I'll still be calling them "the babies"!