Friday, January 11, 2008

Little Momma

SSG AJ had all of her dolls lined up and was "changing them 'cause they all dirty, dirty"; "give them milk 'cause they crying"; and "give them kisses 'cause them so cute!" She's really turned into a little momma since EJ arrived - she tries to help feed and burp her, brings us the diapers and cream for changes, and has become an expert "paci minder". She'll say "Ohhh, EJ crying! I find paci! Here EJ, eat your paci!" She also thinks that you should "pet" your little sister! We're having fun watching our little family grow...


Anonymous said...

She'll be all set should she someday have triplets! (or were there 4 dolls in that pic?? Yikes! They're all as bald as her daddy!)

Anonymous said...

She looks like Cara Lietuva when she was small in that pic........