Friday, June 8, 2007

Welcome All to the Mustering of the 1st TIR

Dear Reader,

You may ask, how does being a Christian, a NY Yankees baseball fan and a Civil War History Buff morph into a "Blog" so to speak? Well that is an excellent question, one that I, your Company XO (or Executive Officer in military lingo) hope to shed some light on. Myself and the Company CO (or Commanding Officer), Major "J" will be your escorts through the maze of thoughts, ideas and images that will come from our little outfit.

Read on, post often and Pray frequently.



Anonymous said...

Great blog, guys! Love the title and the pseudonyms. Keep those tales coming!

Howard said...

I already pray frequently, but now that you and "Major J" are now blogging, I can see that I'll have to re-double my efforts!

Anonymous said...

From Mrs. Klause..

PRAY ON BROTHER! No other way to live.