I can't believe that EJ is 2 months old already! Here are the latest "stats" from her appointment yesterday: 11lbz 2oz; 23 inches long; "developmentally perfect" and "looks just like her brother and sister right down to the umbilical hernia"! Ha!
She started a new "game" today after she discovered that when she squeals someone will look her way and smile and she can give them a huge smile in return. We spent most of the day grinning at each other... toothless baby grins are the best!
She is so beautiful.
I can't wait to see her in April!!
The thing about your kids, guys, is that they're always smiling and cheerful. I love 'em!!
And congrats big guy, on your 75 mile ride. You are going to kick my butt on the 150, I'm sure of it.
Sister C
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