Monday, February 4, 2008

A Three Year Old's Triptec:


I decided to include a series that was shot by our middle rating, SSG AJ recently in our study.

You see having a background in photojournalism I do not want to shy away from having my kids take pictures. As long as they treat the family digital camera right then they are free to shoot away.


The object in the left upper corner is not a giant slug or worm but the digit of a small photograher that keeps forgeting to not wrap her finger around the lens.

The last picture is, by definition, not part of the triptec. It was just the small photog's main goal during this shoot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's got to feel a little like magic to a little kid, being able to take a photo and see it immediately on the screen. Way cool!

You rode 60 miles?!! Ugh. I am so behind!