Well spandex certainly shows one where one needs to focus one's nutrition and work-outs on.
Either that or I need to get more than one 15 year old cycling jersey.... something with many colors and designs on it to place less emphasis on my mid-section.
That or I need to cut back on the breakfast tacos and migas and eat more veggies.
Hmmmmm..... but is not my cycling partially done to allow me my few food "vices"???
Wait, don't answer that.
Well you do finally get to see me actually out on the bicycle placing some credence to my tales of woe and dead skunks.
Enjoy but please do laugh too hard.
Lookin' good! I like the outfit. As the Howard said to me, "Dang, he's got better stuff already than we had when we were starting out."
I did have my doubts the day H. brought spandex shorts home. And then when he brought home the chamois butter--oh no! (I still don't use the stuff but only because I don't have to!) But I've found the spandex is much better than jeans or even my normal shorts.
Oops. I pushed the wrong button. Howard did not write the above. Howard was watching reruns on ESPN as I wrote this. What a great Superbowl game, by the way! I was rooting for the Giants but never thought they'd actually win!
Hey, the REAL Howard here this time...
When I started out, I wasn't in half the shape you're already in now. I think my first ride was about eight miles, and when I got back, I could hardly breathe. After BalticTiger's first ride (she's the author of the two posts above), she had to lay down and sleep for about two hours! If you're doing 30- and 40-mile rides already, then you're ready for the lycra and the clipless pedals, the road bike shoes and the fancy pants sunglasses, the bike gloves and the bike socks! Lookin' goooood!
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