Monday, July 6, 2009

Post your vote...

Little ZJ was the subject of an argument between my 2 best friends today. One claims that he "looks nothing like the other three, he has different eyes and face" and the other maintains "he's obviously a Jak baby". So now it's your chance to vote. Is he a carbon copy of Numbers 1-3, or does he look completely different? We'll let his adoring public decide...


Howard said...

I agree with your friend.

Marilyn said...

I think he looks just like his 3 older siblings! I mean, he has the dimples, the eyes, the eye color! If your friend wants to see kids that don't look alike, he should see mine!!
Auntie Marilyn

Howard said...

Oh give me a break, Auntie Marilyn, your two boys definitely look like brothers, same as the Company XO's four kids all look like siblings, same as our three boys all look like brothers. Just cause you can tell the difference between your kids is a reason to rejoice. We've been confused for decades trying to tell ours apart!

Anonymous said...

We think that he looks like his older siblings--weren't wuite sure when he was younger, but the similarity is more pronounced as he gets older.

Now, if Marilyn thinks that her two are different, we have much more pronounced differences--two blondes, two brunettes, two green eyed, two brown eyed, and other differences!!!

Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Hello J Family!!
I shouldn't even begin to vote seeing as how I haven't even met #'s three and four yet, but my oh my... how adorable they all are!!! The latest edition most certainly favors the three "older" models.

Greetings from Central Washington to Central Texas. :-)


O girl said...

I think he looks different. So there!
But I'll never forget meeting somebody at some function in Geneseo who said something to the effect that I looked like all the rest of the family. I was quite shocked, because I think the four of us are NOT alike at all.
People don't have sensitive visual discrimination, I think, which is why I always got the questions about how I could tell my two older boys apart. Well of course I could tell them apart! Good grief.
Love, Auntie C.