Sunday, March 23, 2008

Identity Crisis?

The kid's pre-school had an in house field trip and an exotic animal handler brought a bunch of animals to the school to show them. They got to see and hold a "lizard with a blue tongue", hedgehogs, and a bunch of differnt snakes including a 12 foot long python!
SSG AJ was obviously fascinated with these animals because ever since then she's been calling herself "snake". She'll say "Snake wants dinner" or "CJ hit Snake" and when you call her AJ she'll say "I'm not AJ, I'm SNAKE!". We really thought it was just a passing thing, but she's been doing this for weeks now so we've just jumped on the bandwagon. You may think it odd to hear us calling our second born "snake" but it makes us all smile. We'll see if she's still smiling when she's 16 and this nickname has stuck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least she didn't bond with the idea of being a skunk!
Auntie C.