Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's a ....

It's a girl!! (In case you can't read what's on the ultrasound). I had the kids with me at the appointment and Dr Seeker made a comment to the effect of "If this new little girl is like AJ here ..." He never got to finish the thought though because 2Lt CJ piped in with "We're in big trouble!" I laughed out loud before I could stop myself!

Or maybe it's an alien?? We always joke about these ultrasound pictures, but it is really cool to be able to see everything. We know that this little one has 10 fingers and 10 toes, that her stomach is filled with fluid like it should be, that her kidneys are working because her bladder is full of urine, that she has 4 chambers in her heart, etc., etc. It is reassuring to know that everything is "normal", at least as much as you can before they actually arrive.
2Lt CJ and SSG AJ were absolutely fascinated by the ultrasound. CJ kept asking them "Show me her head again" and "Where is her arm?" and "Does she have a heart too?". AJ got up this morning and said "Go back doctor and see baby in tummy again??"
Lots of fun in the J's house right now...

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