Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Poor Dear Hubby

EJ vomited a couple of times on Sunday afternoon. I attributed it to the cup of sour milk she found under the Christmas tree and drank part of before I realized what she was doing. Little did I know that was the start of a very long Monday for my poor dear husband.
AJ started crying about midnight Monday morning and when Eric went in to check on her, she had vomited all over her bed and herself (note to all moms out there - do not let your kids drink the frozen fruit punch concoctions at Chili's if there is any chance they might vomit in the next 12 hours!). After I finished feeding the baby, I helped Daddy make a bed in our room for AJ and we all settled down to sleep. I got up again to feed the baby at 3AM and found CJ standing in the hall outside our room saying "Mom, I made a big mess on the carpet. I'm so sorry!". I think we would have rather had him vomit in his bed since his attempt to get to the bathroom resulted in a huge mess on the carpet from his room all the way across the hall (again I repeat the warning against the Chili's drinks if you want to avoid the need to steam clean your carpets at 3AM). By the time we got CJ's mess cleaned up, I realized that I was not going to escape the "plague" that had beset our house.
Mom and the two older kids spent all day Monday in various states of gastric distress, lounging on various couches and beds. Poor Dad on the other hand got the "pleasure" of dealing with the laundry, clean up, and work that three very sick people can create. At one point on Monday literally ALL of the sheets, blankets and pillowcases in our house were in some stage of the wash-dry-replace cycle! Not to mention that I was so sick that I couldn't even sit up to nurse the baby so he was delivering ZJ to me every time he needed to eat and then coming back to change his diaper, etc. later on.
Mr. J. wins the award for best daddy and hubby for his wonderful care of a houseful of sickies. I credit him with our recovery in time for Christmas!


Anonymous said...




I am so glad to hear that everyone is feeling better and will assume that Poppa escaped the miserable sickness.

To help in tolerating the nasty odor of constant gastric distress, next go-around, try using new dryer-sheets placed in all the areas that the sickies do or will inhabit. It sure makes the room smell a bit better and makes it all more tolerable for the one cleaning up the mess!!

So glad all were well in time for Christmas.

Much love to you all!!

Anonymous said...

My stomach aches just reading about this! (I'm one of those "sympathetic upchuckers" so I'm really glad I wasn't there.) Kudoes to the Big Guy for holding down the fort and nursing everyone through this. May 2009 bring health to all in your household!

Howard said...

Way to be there for everyone, Eric. Maybe ten years ago, both adults and the two oldest sons were down and out with the flu (no vomiting), leaving youngest son Alex to take care of everyone. He came through marvelously. Must be a trait of youngest siblings.