Sunday, December 23, 2007

Everyone's Home in Time for X-mas:


Well the entire unit is now finally bivouacked back at the ole homestead after having the CO and the littlest one spend about 30 hours in the local Children's hospital.

Very nice facility, only about one year old with many amenities as well as unique "children" oriented architecture. In fact, the XO's brother-in-law, "Howard" would probably want to tour the place when he comes down in April for the BP MS-150. Being an architect, he truly would appreciate the place.

Thanks again for every one's prayers and kind words during the last week.

I have attached two pictures of the ladies of the unit below:
God Bless and have a truly Merry Christmas...



Anonymous said...

You have given US a Merry Christmas with this good news! And the photos are awesome! Love ya!

Howard said...

While in your neck of the Texas in April, our time-spending priorities will be in this order (most important at top):
1. Time with 1st Texas Irregular Regulars, particularly the most recent recruits;
2. Time riding with XO during MS150;
3. Time spent admiring hospital architecture.

If you think we can fit it all in, then fine. Otherwise, prioritize, man, prioritize!

BTW, how's your riding coming along? ;) Wouldn't want to suffer too badly come April. (Don't worry, there's still time...)