Monday, December 31, 2007

Reflections on 2007

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but I have been doing a lot of thinking about 2007 as it prepares to draw to a close and we prepare to start anew in 2008. My initial thought was "I really hope that 2008 is better than 2007 was". After starting out 2007 by being in the hospital with an abdominal infection, the year only seemed to get worse. 2 back surgeries, several more visits to the hospital for my abdominal "issues", and a bout with serious depression rounded out the year. And then in the last 2 weeks we've closed out the year with our baby being in NICU and then readmitted to the hospital for jaundice, the garbage disposal breaking and nearly flooding our kitchen with really nasty water, the door lock on my truck breaking so that we literally could not get 2/3 of the lower ranks into the vehicle (repairs cost $300), and finally the 10 year old dryer finally dying on us (to the tune of $700). After all of this I felt like I was ready to see 2007 out and hope for the best in 2008.
But then I began to think about all of the blessings that have been a part of 2007 - some of which may never have occurred without some of the trials that we've had. I can honestly say that the XO and I have a closer relationship now than we have in our 13 years of marriage. We have another amazingly beautiful addition to our family. We still have a wonderful home with beautiful gardens and just enough room for our family. We have enough money to meet our needs and have a little bit for extras. We both have good jobs and good health now. The list could go on and on.
Yes, life can be VERY challenging sometimes and full of difficult times, but something our Pastor said recently really hit home and made me reevaluate the way I look at things. As Christians we have the security of knowing that this world and this life is the worst that it will ever be for us. As he put it "this world is our hell as Christians". What a blessing to know that as hard as things may be right now, they will never be any worse and we can look forward to spending eternity in the paradise that is Heaven. But how sad that many people do not have that security. As Pastor David put it "this world is heaven for the non-believer". How sad that this world with all of its trials, pain, and difficulty is the best that some people will ever experience.

I wish you all a 2008 filled with as many blessings as we have had in 2007!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Everyone's Home in Time for X-mas:


Well the entire unit is now finally bivouacked back at the ole homestead after having the CO and the littlest one spend about 30 hours in the local Children's hospital.

Very nice facility, only about one year old with many amenities as well as unique "children" oriented architecture. In fact, the XO's brother-in-law, "Howard" would probably want to tour the place when he comes down in April for the BP MS-150. Being an architect, he truly would appreciate the place.

Thanks again for every one's prayers and kind words during the last week.

I have attached two pictures of the ladies of the unit below:
God Bless and have a truly Merry Christmas...


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Visit to the Hospital:

I must have been clinically insane to try and bring dinner, drinks and two kiddos to the hospital to visit their newborn sister and mother.

Well I did it, bringing the entire company up to the hospital with bags of food and the "wound-up" lower ranks.

Pictures from the trip are up above until I learn how to move them around the page without compromising their ability to be enlarged.

God Bless All,

XO and CO

A Couple of Updates:


ENJ is doing much better other than being a "bili" baby (high levels of Bilirubemia) which is consistent for all of our charges. Both AJ and CJ were "bili" babies when they were born, has to do with a difference in the blood typing between the "CO" and the kiddos.

Hopefully they will move ENJ down to be with her mother this evening with a probable release date of 12/20/07.

We will keep everyone updated as more information is passed to us.

Thanks for everyone's prayers, I am positive that they are speeding along her recovery and eventual discharge.

God Bless,


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Please Welcome Our Newest Addition to the Unit:


We will depart from our normal ops security to announce the arrival of Airman Eve Niele "J" to the Irregular Regulars. We had planned for the arrival on 12/19/07, with the assistance of the "CO's" OB and some Pictocin but we guess ENJ had different plans.

She is 7lbs 2oz which is a departure of the 7lbs 20oz that I had originally reported to everyone. Suffice it to say this tall (20in) little Airman did not want to wait. The CO was probably in intense labor for only 3 hours with the introduction of Pictocin causing ANJ to "slam into position" (their medical terms not mine). In layman's terms, the CO went from 4cm to 10cm and full effaced in only 1hour with active pushing taking only 15minutes.

Well coming out like a rocket-ship does have it's distinct disadvantages, ENJ has developed a few breathing problems and has bought herself a 3 day R&R pass to the hospital NICU. We are praying that her blood cultures do not come back with a positive bacteria test or she may buy herself a 10day stay. Please keep her in your prayers.

CO KJ is doing well with no major complications. She should be "discharged" on Wednesday, 12/19/07.

I know many of our dedicated readers think that newborns look like little "yodas" but there is a small but vocal sect that can not get enough photos.

Enjoy and God Bless...