Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ramblings and Happenings

The monarch butterflies are migrating through Texas on the way to Mexico right now and it's amazing to sit in our backyard and see literally hundreds of them flutter by. The plant on the left is Gregg's Mist and is the primary nectar source for these butterflies - plant it and they will come (in Texas anyway)! A lot of them will lay eggs in our yard and next spring we will find a bunch of cocoons all over the yard (especially on the milkweed which the larvae love to eat). Seeing them go through all of the stages and then come out of the cocoons as butterflies always amazes me. God created such amazing plants and animals and it always captivates me to watch nature's happenings - especially when you can do it right in your own backyard!

On to other subjects...

We had 1LT CJ in for his 5 year check up this week and discovered that he most likely needs glasses. He screened at 20/120 at the pediatrician's office and she said that was "being generous". He has an appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist, but their soonest appointment was December. He was having a hard time accepting the idea of having glasses for a few days, but Eric found a book at the library about a kid who doesn't want to wear his glasses and then finally does (when an imaginary space monster tries to eat them) and he realizes that he can see much better with them and do more fun things. CJ seems to be OK with the idea at the moment, but we'll see how he reacts when he actually has to wear them all day long. The momma in me is wondering about the logistical aspects of keeping track of the glasses, making sure they don't get left on the playground at school or conveniently "lost" somewhere. I guess we'll see how it goes! I guess it was too much to ask that our kids have perfect vision when both the XO and CO are blind as bats without corrective eye wear. Darn those genetics!

On the subject of what not to do if you'd like to remain employed... both true stories that happened with either the XO or CO's employees in the last few weeks. #1) Do not call in sick to work and then have your picture show up on the front page of the newspaper, beer in hand, cheering on the Longhorns before the UT/OU game. At least have sense enough to tell the photographer not to take your picture for heaven's sake. #2) Do not "clock in" at work, tell your supervisor that you have a meeting to attend on another part of base and then be found in civilian clothes on the base golf course. Maybe an off base course would have been a better choice if you were going to pull that kind of stunt. Some people are just plain dumb.

Hope all is well wherever you're reading this from!


Anonymous said...

Well, at least the little guy has parents who know what it's like to have to wear glasses. And when he's ten or twelve he can graduate to contacts (depending on the child, they do prescribe them that young). And then when he's an adult, the technology will have evolved such that he can have eye surgery and have perfect vision (unlike some of us whose corneas are too thin for the current surgical technology). The challenge will be, as you say, to keep those glasses on his face. I'm thinking shatterproof lenses and titanium or carbon-fiber frames--if they make such a thing. I just know he's gonna look so cool in glasses! Auntie C.

Howard said...

Fascinating discussion about the butterflies. Think you could get Eric and his high-octane camera gear to provide some pretty pix?

Too bad about the kiddo, though quite a common malady. Not unexpected, of course, given your own optical difficulties, but parental units can aways hope for better with their kids.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the family curse continues ! Did Grandpa spit in the eye of the village witch somewhere in Lithuania ??