Well my beautiful wife is too kind with her praises since I feel I got off lucky to some extent.
I only had to worry about the three older ones (KJ, CJ and AJ) and fortunately got lucky since EJ had got the same sickness a couple of days before everyone. ZJ stayed healthy- Praise God!
My wife also did not have a chance to blog about our Christmas Day evening... Yup, you guessed it, the same malady that afflicted my dear wife, eldest son and eldest daughter hit me later that evening. Nasty GI "bug" coupled with a fever and chills- something I would not wish on anyone.
Two days later (and after some wonderful care from KJ) I was finally back in the world of the living.
Christmas 2008 will not go down as one for the old scrapbook, unless a sick and vomiting family is you idea of a scrapbook. Oh well, good bye to 2008, hello 2009.
Just another year for a family that believes in freely sharing our maladies.
Take Care and Welcome to 2009...