Mom is upstairs changing the toddler when the 5 month old starts crying.
If you are a 4 year old girl you go to the fridge, get the bottle, heat it up, get the baby out of the bassinet and feed him.
If you are a 6 year old boy you yell up the stairs "MOM! The baby is crying! You should come check on him!" and continue reading your book.
Mom reminds you to "use your manners".
If you are a 4 year old girl you say "Brother, please let me stand on that stool for a minute, please"
If you are a 6 year old boy you say "Sister please let me stand on the stool, or I'll hit your nose!" (His response to Mom's "issue" with his manners? "I SAID please!")
You're in the shower with Mom/Dad.
If you're a 4 year old girl you want to clean every part of you meticulously and check out every nice smelling bath product you see. And don't forget the conditioner and in-shower lotion!
If you are a 6 year old boy you wash your hair (kind of) then flop down on the floor of the tub and pretend you are a fish.
There is no way anyone can tell me that boys and girls are born the same and the only thing that makes us "gender specific" is culture. It's simply not true. They are very different in temperament and their way of approaching life from the moment they arrive...